Hello SAGO Program is now on YuppTV

The iconic world brand motion content group in collaboration with Viu will now give the world a new form of entertain through “Hello SAGO Program” that was aired on SUN TV channel. The celebrity show will feature the talented actress Haasan Shruti and the chat show will majorly cover trivia and stories on the biggest star of Kollywood and the SAGO. 

There is a great expectation from the show especially on the fact that Shruti will be having interactive sessions with the guests. The title of the story “SAGO” will take the major control of the stories as the guests will have the freedom to share other secrets about their friends.

Actress Haasan was very positive about her new move since her previous life was mostly in the public entertainment. The fact that Haasan through Viu will be able to have an honest conversation about her entertainment journey makes the show unique. SAGO will also offer freedom, control, and choice for different parts of the world to watch as users from USA, Canada, and AUS can watch Hello SAGO Program online on YuppTV.

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